Friday, 3 August 2018

Sunday 29th July 2018

At Long Nab today although the waders were still moving but in smaller numbers the highlight today was a record movement of Swifts, all the waders were moving south again except for four Turnstones that went north. The count today was 31 Oystercatcher, a Golden Plover, a Grey Plover, 34 Whimbrel, 16 Turnstone, 230 Knot, 2 Dunlin and 3 Redshank plus a Common Scoter (N), 2 Manx Shearwaters (1 S, 1 N), 2 juvenile Mediterranean Gulls (1 N, 1 S), 163 Sandwich Terns (116 S, 47 N), 3 Common Tern (S), a Great Skua (N), 5 Puffins (S) and an astonishing 4,264 Swifts went south before mid-day (well counted guys!!!).

Also today in Cornelian Bay 2 Eider, 6 Knot, 5 Whimbrel, 12 Curlew, 25 Oystercatchers, 2 Common Terns and c30 Sandwich Terns while at the same location 12 Knot, 9 Whimbrel and 3 Turnstone flew to the south. Harwood Dale Lake had 12 Mandarin Duck, a Snipe and a Common Sandpiper and Johnson’s Marsh had a  Green Sandpiper.

A Minke Whale was also seen today off Long Nab, it was moving south at 08.30 about 2.5 miles out.

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