Sunday, 15 September 2024

Sunday 15th September

 11 Arctic Skua, six Little Gull, juvenile Caspian Gull, juvenile Yellow-legged Gull and two Shoveler past Long Nab this morning. Four Golden Plover, one Green Sandpiper, two Dunlin and two Ringed Plover at East Lake, North Yorkshire Water Park. A Little Egret at Burton Riggs and 40+ Carrion Crows on rocks at North Bay near Sealife Centre plus a Brent Goose sp. A first calendar year colour ringed Caspian Gull at Scalby Mills (same bird as on 14th), ringed at Ijsselmeer, Netherlands on 9/5/2024, plus 16 Great Black Backed Gull, two Sandwich Tern and now five Wigeon. A juvenile Arctic Skua and seven Red-throated Diver south off Yons Nab. At Potter Brompton Carr: Whinchat, Sedge Warbler, four Ruff, four Greenshank, Ringed Plover, three Shoveler, six Wigeon, 180+ Goldfinch, two Great White Egret, two Little Egret, two Marsh Harrier and two juvenile Marsh Harrier on nearby Binnington Carr. A Little Egret flew SE over Burniston and it or another was at Scalby Mills along with a Kingfisher and a Sanderling in North Bay. Skeins of 140 and 100 plus of Pink-footed Geese flew south over Dalby Forest late evening. Several  further skeins of approximately 80 Pink-footed Geese were over Dalby Forest after dark. 

Drake Common Scoter off Marine Drive by Wendy Goulty.

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