Saturday, 19 November 2022

Saturday 19th November

 A Great Northern Diver and Red-throated Diver were in the harbour this morning and 41 Purple Sandpipers and 36 Turnstones were in the harbour at high tide. Four Purple Sandpipers were in North Bay along with a dead Woodcock. Seven Little Auk flew south past Marine Drive. A singing Dipper was in Peasholm Glen this morning, a single female Pintail was with the Wigeon flock at Scalby Mills and a White-fronted Goose and a Pink-footed Goose flew south at Cromer Point. Highlights south past South Cliff today included two Great Northern Divers, one Red-necked Grebe, two Long-tailed Ducks, a Velvet Scoter, 68 Little Auk and a Snow Bunting. A Water Rail was in Cornelian Ravine. A WHITE-BILLED DIVER flew south at Long Nab at 1411hrs and other highlights south past there included 77 Little Auks (8N), two Dark-bellied Brent Geese, one Velvet Scoter, four Goosander, one Great Northern Diver, 82 Little Gulls, two Mediterranean Gulls, seven Puffins and two Snow Buntings. Two Peregrine Falcons made unsuccessful stoops on passing Little Auks, however, one Little Auk was partially eaten by a Great Black-backed Gull below the Obs. One Barnacle Goose, three Pochard, five Gadwall, 10 Wigeon, 98 Coot, six Lapwing and 20 Cormorants were the maxima on Wykeham East Lake. A drake Goosander, eight Goldeneye, seven Gadwall and 11 Great crested Grebes were on the Water Sports Lake. Three Barn Owls were hunting over the fields to the south west of the complex. In the Gristhorpe Bay and surrounding area today, there were 162 Curlew, 75, Redshank, 61 Oystercatcher, 32 Purple Sandpiper, seven Turnstone, 25 Great Blacked backed Gulls, three Common Gulls, 11 Mallard, four Teal, four Grey heron, nine Grey Partridge, 12 Red-legged Partridge, 161 Blackbirds, 11 Song Thrush, six Redwing, two Fieldfare, two Sparrowhawk, two Kestrel, one Common Buzzard and one Peregrine Falcon.

Little Auk passing Long Nab by Christopher Bell.

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