Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Wednesday 2nd November

 15 Purple Sandpipers, 18 Turnstones and two Red-throated Divers were at the Harbour this morning. Nine Whooper Swans flew in off the sea at Cayton Bay and then moved south. 12 Curlew were feeding in a crop field above Cayton Bay. Two Goldeneye were at Seamer Road Mere. Approximately 200 Brambling were at Dixon's Field, Dalby and 10 Pink-footed Geese flew south there. 25 Teal and seven Grey Heron were at Johnson's Marsh and six Fieldfare were at Middle Lane, Hutton Buscel.11 Whooper Swans flew over Crook Ness and were probably two herds of five and six which had flown in off the sea at Cloughton Wyke minutes earlier and 25+ Pink-footed Geese flew south midway between Ayton and Seamer. Three flocks of Pink-footed Geese, 45, 30 and six flew in off at Cloughton Wyke and continued south. At least nine Puffins and a Whooper Swan were in the bay at Cloughton Wyke where a Woodcock arrived in off the sea pursued by two Peregrine Falcons into Hundale Scar. Highlights past Long Nab this morning included 25 Whooper Swans (including those seen at Cloughton Wyke and Crook Ness), one Goldeneye, a second Woodcock in off the sea, one Swallow, two House Martins, 78 Lesser Redpoll, 378 Siskin and a Lapland Bunting. There was no sign of either the Pallid Swift or Yellow-browed Warbler today.  A Swallow seen over Scarborough linked in time wise with the one seen at Long Nab. A Water Rail and two Goldeneye was at the Sports Lake at Wykeham Lakes.

Herring Gull by Phil Bennett.

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