Sunday, 20 November 2022

Sunday 20th November

A flock of 250+Siskins and approximately 100 Fieldfare with a lesser number of Redwings were reported from Wrench Green early this morning. 11 Great crested Grebes and six Goldeneye were at Wykeham Water Sports Lake and 62 Coot and a Common Buzzard were at Wykeham East Lake.  A single Mediterranean Gull was at Holbeck. approximately 800 Pink-footed Geese were in a field at Herdboro Farm, Seamer in a field adjoining Star Carr and Metes Lane. A single White-fronted Goose was with a small flock of feral Geese there.  A Woodcock flew out of a quinoa patch on the eastern side of Seamer Tip. Approximately 200 Lapwings and a Curlew were nearby. 30 Linnets were at Star Carr and a Chiffchaff was at Metes Lane. A Goosander flew over the harbour at midday and a Kingfisher was at the Open Air Theatre. A ring-tailed Hen Harrier flew from Gristhorpe Bay south early afternoon. Additionally at Gristhorpe bay and its surrounding area were 205 Curlew, the highest autumn/winter count, 85 Redshank, 75 Oystercatcher, 51 Purple Sandpiper (highest site count for the observer), three Turnstone, four Grey heron, two pairs of Stonechat and a reduced number of 31 Blackbirds and three Song Thrushes. Three Little Gulls moved south past Cromer Point and two Little Auks were reported on the sea off Marine Drive plus two at Scalby Mills. Also off Scalby Mills were 8 Red-throated Divers, a Great Northern Diver and two Little Gulls. Activity at Long Nab started with a juvenile Pomarine Skua flying south at 1020 hours followed by a Tundra Bean Goose flying in from the east and then south close at 1156hrs. A Swallow, first seen flying north along the cliffs at Cromer point was then seen soon afterwards at Long Nab and continued to be seen apparently feeding well in the Long Nab area until flying south at 1435hrs and then sen near Scalby Mills at 15.00 hrs.  A Little Egret was at Scalby Beck. Also past Long Nab today were 14 Shelduck, one Pochard, one Pintail, one Goosander, 61 Red-throated Divers, one Great Northern Diver, 15 Little Gulls, two Mediterranean Gulls and five Little Auks (1S, 4N). A mobile Snow Bunting was in fields between the Obs and Hundale.

Stonechat by Simon Temlett.

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