Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Wednesday 9th November

 Much of today's bird news emanated from the Wykeham Lakes complex. A male Hen Harrier was hunting over West Ayton Carr this morning viewable from the Water Sports lake. A Goosander and a Peregrine Falcon flew over. Also present were three Whooper Swans which left south at dusk, nine Mute Swans, two Pochard, two Wigeon, 10 Goldeneye, a Goosander, Little Egret, two Water Rail, one Common Snipe, two Kingfishers, five Marsh Tits, three Treecreepers, 15 Lesser Redpolls and 55 Siskins. Coming into roost at Wykeham Lakes this evening were two Pink-footed Geese, 2,300 Common Gulls, 1,300 Black-headed Gulls, two adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 15 Great Black-backed Gulls, 800 Jackdaws, 150 Starlings and three Grey Wagtails. Over the fields to the south east of the lakes were 1,100 Golden Plovers and 600 Lapwings. Elsewhere today, two Waxwings remained at Eastfield Industrial Estate, approximately 60 Pink-footed Geese flew south west over Burniston and seven Purple Sandpipers were at the East Pier high tide roost at the Harbour. Two Puffins were close in on the sea off Marine Drive.

Mute Swan at rest by Phil Bennett.

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