Over night a Bedstraw Hawkmoth was caught in a trap in Cayton. Early morning a pod of 10+ Bottlenose Dolphins were seen several times heading north, first off Marine Drive then off Long Nab, and finally at Cloughton Wyke about 200 yards out. At Northstile pool, Wrench Green there was a Wood Sandpiper, 2 Green Sandpipers, a Shelduck and 52 Mallards in the early afternoon, plus a female Mandarin, a Moorhen and a Grey Wagtail later on. A Buzzard family were calling nearby. A medium phase male Honey Buzzard was wing clapping very high above Wykeham Raptor Viewpoint at midday, and a Silver-washed Fritillary was spotted in Wykeham Forest. At Jackson's Bay a Sanderling and 4 Dunlins were seen before being flushed by dogs, then a bit later 7 Sanderlings and 2 Dunlin dropped back in. Highlights from the morning's seawatch at Long Nab included a Gadwall, 11 Little Egrets, a juvenile Marsh Harrier, a Bar-tailed Godwit, Greenshank and 293 Sandwich Terns. A Sedge Warbler was caught and ringed.
Full count from Long Nab here: https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/1074/20190804
Full count from Long Nab here: https://www.trektellen.nl/count/view/1074/20190804
Marsh Harrier at Long Nab - Chris Bell |
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