Friday, 2 December 2022

Friday 2nd December

 10 Waxwings were again in Wreyfield Drive this morning. At Wykeham Water Park there were nine Goldeneye, four Little Grebe, seven Great crested Grebe, nine Wigeon, 25 Tufted Duck, 31 Coot, 23 Mallard and two Teal, A Dipper was again singing in Peasholm Glen. A Great Northern Diver was in South Bay and a Little Egret flew north along South Cliff. Two Water Rail, 11 Little Grebe and 37 Tufted Duck were at Seamer Road  Mere. Two further Water Rail were along the Dell at Eastfield along with 130 Linnet, 70 Yellowhammer, 30 Tree Sparrow and 25 Skylark in fields there. Two Little Auks, two Puffin, a Mediterranean Gull and 19 Eider flew north at Long Nab. The Russian White-fronted Goose and two Whooper Swans were at Harwood Dale Lake and a Green Woodpecker was at Broxa Forest. In the Dalby/Haygate area, there were 21 Common Crossbill, many of which were vocal, five lesser Redpoll, 44 Siskin, two Marsh Tit, three Nuthatch and five Jays.

Common Buzzard by Emma Boothby.

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